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Introduction to Natural Gas2

Friday, November 2, 2012

   Properties of Natural Gas:

    Natural gas is colorless, odorless, tasteless, shapeless and lighter than air with a specific gravity of about 0.6-0.8. It is gaseous at any temperature over -161º C. When it is at its natural state, it is not possible to see or smell natural gas. For safety reasons, a chemical odorant that smells a little like rotten eggs, Mercaptan, is added to natural gas so that it can be smelled if there is a gas leak.
     Methane is highly flammable, burns easily and almost completely, while it emits very little air pollution. Natural gas is neither corrosive nor toxic, its ignition temperature is high, and it has a narrow flammability range, making it an inherently safe fossil fuel compared to other fuel sources. It is inflamed during a range of 5-15% by volume of gas in air. The self-ignition Temperature of natural gas is 537-540 Celsius degrees. In addition, because of its specific gravity of 0.60, lower than that of air (1.00), natural gas rises if escaping, thus dissipating from the site of


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